A Prediction for Local Newspapers

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My professor, Dr. Brad Rawlins, sent me this link from All Things Digital.

If you read the memo, you will see that this article suggests newspapers will have much less staff because this model of futuristic newspapers drops all the additional people needed for a print edition. This would include all of the drivers, copiers, printing people, and, yes, delivery boys and girls. The company model that Mark Josephson envisions employs a twenty person staff. He also sees many people contributing to the online newspaper from the outside.

This article raises more questions for me. Does this model only apply to average sized cities? Will the New York Times ever be forced to go completely online with no print edition? Will small town newspapers that have been in circulation for over a century give up their presses?

The future of the newspaper...what will it be?


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